Everyone is creative, sometimes it’s just hard to know where to start.

We wondered why so many people believe they can not draw or create, when we were all naturals as children. ‘Between the Lines’ is an exhibition that challenges the systems put in place that have constricted our creativity and made us believe that creating was reserved for artists. It offers the pen back to the public, providing a space to reconnect with yourself through the act of creation. 

We began with the pen – an accessible tool for everyone, and set out to create works with no inhibitions or expectations. From just one scribble, 12 hours were dedicated to seeing how many ways we could interpret it (and how much fun we could have with it). The importance shifted away from the finished pieces, moving towards a mode of loose experimentation that allowed us to be creative for creativities sake. In this process we hope to inspire you, because if we can make 196 drawings from a single line, we bet you can make one too.

Between the Lines

Massey University
Wellington, New Zealand

Team mates
Rowena Chow
Kane Wills
Jacob Paterson
Jason Fastier
Natasha Moore

12 weeks


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